See also Spirit

Les dimensions d'un coffre fort ignifuge A2P peuvent varier de 50cm de hauteur à 1,5 mètres Généralement les armoires fortes anti feu sont quant à elles plus haute que 1,50 mètres et peuvent atteindre 2,50 mètres Ce qui différencie essentuiellement une armoire forte blindée d'un coffre fort c'est la taille et le volume. Un coffre fort avec fente de dépôt comme ceux que l'on peut voir sur le site permet aux employés de déposer les fonds de caisse.

AndriusKulikauskas: My plan is to look for such dimensions that I think are essential to global villages, such as:

  • How intensely do you (your local circle) develop a shared vision?
  • How do you nurture and enjoy your own creative culture?
  • How do you help each other address personal needs, crises, challenges?
  • How much do you help the disadvantaged in your neighborhood?
  • How much are you a base for social entrepreneurs?
  • How much are you self-sustaining economically?
  • How thoughtful are you ecologically?
  • How actively do you participate in the global world?
  • How transparent and sharing are you in social networking?
  • How active are you in local political matters?

note: if you can assume certain core values, how do they touch other dimensions of the village?

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