Health Alternatives
move to: FindBetterWays (open a health department there)

Let's collect some links on alternative approaches to health, or simply those that fit with a global villages approach.

BalaPillai: Gerson believes the liver is where the action is with most cancers, he believes that the liver is damaged lots by contemporary food, so a big part of his treatment is detoxification -- "cleaning" the liver, strengthening it, via a dietary routine.

it talks about a doctor in the US who figured out the root cause of many diseases including cancer, still controversial but I suspect it is worth investigating more.

Benoit: The main difference between the Eastern and Western aproach to medecine, is that the East aproaches the body as a self-healing organism. This means that they seek to feed the organism where it calls for strengthening, at the root of the illness. The West seeks to intervene with the sympthoms, often missing the root cause of the illness. The root cause is where the 2 are learning to co-operate with each other to develop the lead for world health alternatives.

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