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Letter Of Interest A LetterOfInterest is a suggested pattern within the overall GlobalVillages process.
Helmut, the idea is great. Global Villages consist of physical AND virtual patterns, you met a very obvious blockage of my thoughts. That is fuel for our pattern language!! The letter might be a mini-pattern, but useful. --Profiles/FranzNahrada Franz, Helmut, I'm glad to see this Global Villages space is thriving! Regarding the letters of intent (or any pattern) I'm interested what is the recurring activity which sustains the pattern. Here it seems that there is only one letter of interest per core group. So the recurring activity is taking place on a different level - on the level of the global supporters of many villages. What structure is it evoking on that level? The answer I think would make this a pattern, not just a mini-pattern. When we do something once, it doesn't matter how we do it, especially if we have lots of energy. But when we do it many times, then things want to fall into place. Here the pattern would probably be the formalization of the process - perhaps the materials that the letter points to, perhaps the official process that validates these materials, perhaps the network of supporters, etc. As Helmut regularly points out, it's helpful to study examples. Also, it is very important to clarify the conflict, the tension (perhaps I haven't understood it yet as stated). -- Profiles/AndriusKulikauskas One letter per core group and interested person outside on the globe. It would be nice to have such an global interest group of 30-100 people supporting a village (30-100 letters). On the single letter the core group can give additional information and seek to build a relationship. But it would quickly make them extend available web information. The list of senders would make a natural kernel for a newletter mailing list or an online community. This means exchange of experiences. This means that "connect the village to the world" can be broken down to single events of building bridges between people. Global supporters can show that they are actually able to fill their role. -- Whether large pattern or small, doesn't matter. Alexandrian patterns (look at his 250+ pattern list) are at all levels of scale. I needed the pattern to serve Lucas. He wanted know about Kirchbach. Kirchbach information is insuffient. How should they notice that information is needed? Whom should Lucas contact and how should he do this to get information and be appreciated? So I started the Kirchbach page, which contains the core group and searched for the e-mail addresses. So now anyone in the same situation can walk a paved path, write a letter with a guarantee to help and be noticed in a positive way. It's a solution to a Kirchbach-problem how to start building a global community. It's a solution to the Lucas-problem to get at experience and to be of help. It is a solution to my problem of providing a solution in a sustainable way. -- Helmut
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