Natural Living Centre
NaturalLivingCentre is an eco-village in DorsetCounty, England, that will serve as a showcase and learning center. AlanHeeks is the founder of the RuralRenewalCompany which is organizing the center.

The mixed-use development will include 100 housing units of which 40 will be affordable/social Cohousing, self-contained dwelling units with shared facilities. The site will include 10-15 acres for housing, 10-15 for employment and 10-30 additional. The total cost is about £18-25 million. Of this, 10% to 20% will be grant funding for eco-building and sustainability. Currently, sites are being chosen. Phase 1 construction is scheduled to begin in 2007. Partners include Cornhill Estates (for ecological housing) and Hastoe Housing Association (for social housing).

The eco-village will teach sustainability of many kinds: individual, social, ecological, economic. It will include housing, social enterprises, sustainable energy, transport, an EcoLodge, spa, business park, multi-use meeting space, kitchen for lunch and supper clubs, garden, information centre and day programs. It will participate in a network of similar projects. They aim to have 100 visitors per day.

See Project Summary for details and team members.

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