Telecentre Challenge

Forwarded message
 From: Esther Nasikye nasikye(AT)
 Date: 27-Jun-2007 12:59 
 Subject: [UgaBYTES] $250K RFP for telecentre implementation

 Hi all, 
 Here is an opportunity for a community or organisation to win $250,000 for
 the implemention of an innovative and sustainable telece ntre solution.

 The Open Architecture Challenge is an open international design 
 competition that reaches beyond the traditional bounds of architecture by
 challenging industry professionals and others to develop innovative and
 sustainable solutions to improve living conditions around the world. 
 Every two years this initiative will tackle a different systemic issue
 faced by half the world's population that is living on less than $2 a day.

 Open Architecture Challenge is currently in the process of inviting local 
 organizations in communities that lack connectivity and would benefit from
 a technology center or telecentre. This initiative will provide up to
 $250,000 for the implementation of the selected winning design.
 If you are an organization that is interested in becoming the recipient of
 such a facility and would like to partner on this initiative please find
 details in the link below.

 Deadline: July 20 2007

 The challenge is organized by Architec ture for Humanity and Advanced Micro 
 Devices (AMD)

 Community Content Facilitator 

All content in this wiki is PublicDomain except as noted otherwise. Please be kind to our authors! changed: June 28, 2007