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Definition See also: GlobalVillages, What makes Global Villages special?, What makes them important?, OriginsOfTheTerm, Principles, Activities A Global Village is simply and basically the synergetic relationship between a local learning center with access to global knowledge (Telecenter, Hub, Library, ...) on one side with a local living environment in which this knowledge can be applied, tested, enhanced on the other side. Together they form a local habitat with a global support system A Global Village needs to be resourceful in access to the world of information and culture, as well as it needs to be resourceful in access to local resources, material - energetical cycles, inhabitants, processes, biotopes etc. The purpose of a Global Village is to provide a high quality, healthy, satisfactory, secure and sustainable lifestyle to its inhabitants and improve and densify the local life process. Underlying assumptions of a Global Villages Network1. We think that the biggest requirement of our time is to rebalance our lifestyle with the planet we are living with; in particular this means a physical transformation from a world of large industrial and administrative centers to a cellular-fractal world of highly sophisticated villages. 2. We do not want to lose the achievements of science and technology, of culture and art; rather we want to manifest them in physical spaces that represent more and more perfect encounters of the cultural and the underlying natural. By going deeper into the nature of things we have discovered that nature is nothing that we can just leave behind us, but in itself an incredibly complex technological system, a web of life that transcends many of our highest technological and artistic abilities in ingenuity, sustainability, perfection and usefulness. The village is an environment in which these two layers - nature and culture - can coexist and influence each other in the best possible way. Aligning ourselves with nature is the best and most productive way we can overcome boundaries; it is not the boundaries of nature that are hindering us but our limited understanding of nature and its creativity. Whilst the dominating monetary economies have led to narrow-scaled costly battles for shrinking buying power in the short-term cyclical consumption game and abandoned and exploited everything which could be made productive in the long run, Global Villages are directly linked to the constant long-term regeneration of natural environments. Permaculture has proven hat humans can largely enhance and support natural systems instead of distorting or destroying them, an activity which results in the creation of really sustainable abundance. 3. By the very same means the village is also the perfect environment to represent our diverse cultural designs; it allows people to live and breathe locally alongside shared values, whilst not hindering other people in other villages in realizing theirs. An unprecedented culture of reconciliation and coesistence between formerly hostile cultures can result out of this, but also a positive competition of entirely different solutions to common problems. Moving out of each others way will not require heavy migration, just maybe a little relocation. Many cities have successfully drawn their strength from this pattern, as Christopher Alexander describes in "a network of subcultures".
A global village is a place where we influence our surroundings by applying an unlimited mind. It therefore shows the qualities of an unlimited mind. Starting a science of GlobalVillagesThe object of a GlobalVillages research endeavor is a specific form in which we will organize life and work tomorrow, empowered by global communication, new technologies and shared knowledge, centered around values as:
Another way to say this...
About the terminolgyWe took the term GlobalVillage to express the same as stated above and add a notion of the technological means to achieve it. A GlobalVillage in the sense we use it here is something very different from the dominant use of the term initiated by Marshall McLuhan and others (see OriginsOfTheTerm). For us, GlobalVillages (note that we are talking in plural) are physical environments rather than virtual ones - but transcending their previous local limitedness and narrowmindedness with the help of networking with and without modern communication technologies. So the Local Circles that make up the life in villages and neighborhoods might each one be connected to CulturalCommunities around the globe - which enables them to serve and function in a different way at local level. The result of these interactions is simply a place that meets more needs than ever before. Among them is the need to have place and space to unfold, to be in harmony with nature and with our fellow humans. Some more reflectionsWhile traditionally villages and rural areas were environments that are neutral and even hostile to independent and creative thinking, the almost overwhelming urban competition threats them with extinction and forces them to rediscover and redesign themselves. People and their individuality are assets that can also unfold under village conditions in a very different way. Ideally, but not naturally, the following happens: Everybody is important, everybody needs to play many roles, everybody is involved in a dialogue process. Villages around the world (or rather the people living in them) are increasingly discovering that this informal and flexible structure is what makes them an attractive place to live. The connection with nature allows for a certain degree of material self-suficiency, which is a basic condition for unbiased human development. So we base our culture on the active work for villages, also because we like to find for ourselves places where we can get old in dignity. But through that emphasis on villages we also positively influence the life in cities, according to the observations of Christopher Alexander about the importance of cities being regional centers and hubs of culture. The Global Village option makes use of the latest in technology as well as the best in tradition to achieve the goal of a sustainable human habitat. Follow up with Concept More about what we mean by Global VillagesGlobalVillages is an expression that we "borrowed" (with expressed consent from Eric and Corinne McLuhan in 1998) from a very popular concept by MarshallMcLuhan. (See also: OriginsOfTheTerm) We changed the notion, though. For us, as stated above "Global Villages" are real settlements, physical neighbourhoods, that meet the challenge of todays global communication possibilities. Think of it as a village that suddenly, without growing physically, can meet the intellectual and cultural needs of urban people, because it has many functions which are "empowered" by networks. Be it education, work, healthcare,production, suddenly we do not have to leave the village to get a lot of things done. Thus we can focus on improving the village itself and "use cyberspace to create sustainable living space", as was the motto of the in Vienna 1993, 1995 and 1997. We think that IT can be a catalyzer of ecologically sustainable lifestyles - and that together with this, IT should provide elements of empowerment, autonomy, improvement of quality of life, enhancing community and cooperation (based on Open Source). This is what this wiki tries to focus on. This Global Village as physical place has many dimensions. This Wiki was created to unfold ALL those dimensions. More Thoughts on DefinitionFrom the Directory: human settlements (mostly, but not limited to rural settlements) which are substantialy influenced and augmented by information technology. Suggestion: A village focusing on a specific topic to become a center for a network of interested people around the world to serve the village and these people at the same time. -- Helmut Leitner Another one: A village surpassing its constraints by having actors in some or many spheres of village life linked to global networks. -- Franz Nahrada A village which spends considerable effort in becoming a place where you do not feel excluded from global cultural wealth. (And therefore feel even more at home) -- FranzNahrada Andrius suggested a very interesting Pattern Definition according to Christopher Alexanders method:
More DiscussionShort descriptions and approaches, one or two paragraphs. Make the picture colourful and respect the opinion of others!
FranzNahrada: The basic assumption is this: Global Villages are neither Ecovillages nor Ecocities, in my opinion they are a distinct form of human settlement with some similarities to the other two main approaches towards sustainable settlement building. What are the specifics:
AndriusKulikauskas Hi Franz! I'm thinking of emphasizing culture (creating one's own) as the key purpose for developing a global village (or unity center). And to foster our creative activity (poetry, drumming, etc.) Would that fit with your vision? I'm curious what your current priorities are. Also, I'm thinking it might be best to work through the Open People site. Hey, perhaps Global Villages might be the "cultural zone" idea that could hook up Back To The Root with the idea of Unity Centers etc. Merry Christmas FranzNahrada Thank you and the same to you. I think GlobalVillages definitely have this cultural zone, and this is what might make them different. It is important to keep a place free of predefined activity, so it can generate the unexpected. All in all a GlobalVillage as I understand it is a wholistic design of all aspects of human living in a place which is rich and loaded with opportunities - not by being a crowded city, but a smart community. I like making this wiki here the center of gravity for such community design approaches. I like very much Ricks initiative to have us host an ArcologyWiki.
Top:HelmutLeitner I think that the most important aspect of GlobalVillages must be to provide additional advantages to all parts of the system (the inhabitants, the society, ...) but especially to increase the chances and economic advantages of the existing inhabitants of the village. They have to open to an development. They should stay in control or increase control about their environment and culture. GlobalVillages can't be primarily about outside technologies or ideas "sold" to a new market (this is intentionally exaggerated).
PrasAnand Global can mean many different things. That is a good thing about the word, it allows you to apply many different positive methods and people towards an idea. Village is almost like going back to one of the first human 'inventions' or realisations. That if we work together and combine our different skills, we will survive and grow. Our villages must be peaceful, loving and full of honour, while being able to survive in the big bad world full of beasts and fairies Another pattern approach
More splintersGlobal Villages is another project of Minciu Sodas which deals with two major issues: 1. The future shape of neighbourhoods and villages in an era where we can bring communicative abilities into our immediate surrounding; the assumption is, that villages can reinvent themselves as places where people can have the best of both worlds, urban communication and rural tranquility. How to make this possible is the subject of a "pattern language of Global Villages" and of a "directory of Global Villages" 2. The way we co-operate in a virtual community across the world is also a hot subject, mainly because Global Villages is at the brink of becoming a working network of contributing authors.
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